table, long not priced
, low not priced
, round not priced
, small not priced
tankard, wood, 1 quart 7 cp
, 2 quarts 11 cp
tapestry, 3’ x 8’ not priced
, 4’ x 12’ not priced
, 5’ x 25’ not priced
tent, tarp, 4’ x 8’ 10 gp
, wall, 8’ x 10’ 25 gp
thieves’ picks and tools 25 gp
thread not priced
throne 5,000 gp plus
tinder box 2 gp
tinsmith not priced
tongs 3 gp to 65 gp
tools varies
torch, 1 hour 1 cp each
, 2 hours 2 cp each; 4/6 cp
towel, 2’ x 3’ 3 sp
, 4’ x 6’ 5 sp
tray, iron, 2’ x 3’ not priced
, wood, 1’ x 2’ not priced
, 2’ x 2’ not priced
trident 4 gp
tripod, iron 15 sp
tobacco, cavendish 5 gp per pound
trivet not priced
trousers 3 sp
tub, tin, 4’ diameter x 3’ high not priced
tunic 3 cp
tweezers 3 gp
twine, 1/4” x 200’ 3 sp
, 1/8” x 300’ 7 sp